66.27 F
San Diego
September 28, 2024
San Diego Signal

Supervisor Candidate Amy Reichert Discusses Vision to Change San Diego

Prominent Republican contender Amy Reichert shares her vision, priorities and commitment to change.

With the deadline for casting votes in the San Diego County Board of Supervisors District 4 election closing in, the campaign fervor intensifies. 

One of the leading Republican contenders for the seat is Amy Reichert. Endorsed by the San Diego County Republican Party, Reichert is also known for her role as a leader of ReOpen San Diego, which opposed the County’s response to COVID-19. 

Reichert, in a recent conversation with KBPS, shared insights about her motives behind running, her key priorities if elected, and her perspectives on critical issues such as homelessness and mental health, among others.

When asked about her decision to run for the District 4 seat, Reichert highlighted the lack of services for struggling individuals such as a single mother she met at a board of supervisors meeting who was on the verge of losing her homeless motel voucher.

Reichert’s highest priorities as a potential County Supervisor are clear: tackling the homelessness crisis. Noting the sharp rise in unhoused deaths and the increasing concerns among constituents, she expressed her commitment to finding solutions for homelessness, emphasizing the need for recovery and treatment in addition to shelter.

Addressing the issues of mental health and homelessness, Reichert voiced her commitment to improving the psychiatric care capacity and implementing real-time tracking systems for available beds. She also expressed concern for the impacts of encampments on neighborhoods, advocating for making certain areas of the county off-limits for public camping to ensure the safety of residents.

She further emphasized the necessity of collaborative efforts between cities within the county to combat homelessness effectively. As part of this regional response, Reichert revealed a proposed project named Sunbreak Ranch, a triage center for the homeless with links to relevant nonprofit organizations.

Reichert, acknowledging the importance of restoring trust with constituents, pledged to revise rules and procedures to improve professional conduct among the Board of Supervisors and enhance responsiveness to constituents.

Despite co-founding ReOpen San Diego, which opposed local COVID-19 restrictions, Reichert spoke about her plan to manage COVID-19 risks in the county. Highlighting the importance of protecting the most vulnerable and raising awareness about treatments like monoclonal antibodies, she expressed her commitment to providing early, effective treatment.

In the final segment of the conversation, Reichert set out to distinguish herself from other candidates. She assured voters that her approach to leadership would be nonpartisan, grounded in common sense and compassion, and committed to improving the quality of life in San Diego County. 

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