San Diego Signal

Rep. Mike Levin Misses Half of Committee Meetings

Representative Mike Levin sits on the House Committee on Natural Resources and the subcommittee on Veterans Affairs representing North county San Diego and South Orange County – the 49th District of California – in Congress. 

However, a review of his attendance at committee hearings in June and July show that Levin missed approximately half of them and, at least at one meeting, he may have limited that attendance to 15 minutes.

The Committee on Natural Resources covers Federal Lands, and Water, Wildlife and Fisheries. Levin was noticeably absent from more than half the subcommittee hearings for both Federal lands, and Water, Wildlife and Fisheries.

Water, Wildlife and Fisheries manages water resources and energy, interstate water issues, and also oversees the marine resources and fisheries in America’s interest. For California  itself, a coastal state, such matters are of great concern. 

The Federal Lands subcommittee oversees all matters regarding U.S forests, federal lands, the National Park System and national monuments.

The committee on Veterans Affairs didn’t meet for hearings in July.

A Congressional Research Service report states, “The roles and duties carried out by a Member of Congress are understood to include representation, legislation, and constituent service and communication, as well as electoral activities.”

“In the nation’s capital, congressional members serve as advocates for the views and needs of their constituents as well as stewards of national interests. Representational work may involve legislative activity, such as analyzing the provisions of proposed legislation for their potential impact on the area represented.”

With Levin’s frequent absences it’s unclear how effectively the  “views and needs” of constituents were represented. Each hearing in July averaged around 5 proposed bills. The two committees totaled around 15 hearings in June and July, meaning Levin missed dozens of legislation in the pipeline.

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