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September 28, 2024
San Diego Signal
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San Diego Judge orders Chula Vista Candidate to Drop Fake Ballot Title

Chula Vista candidate Marco Verdugo’s ballot title as “Deputy City Attorney” is misleading, according to the judge. 

In a recent turn of events, San Diego Judge Katherine A. Bacal ruled against Attorney Marco Verdugo’s attempt to mislead Chula Vista voters by using a deceptive title in his campaign materials. The ruling comes ahead of the November 7th Special Election, where Verdugo seeks to secure the role of Chula Vista City Attorney, a vacancy left by the untimely passing of previous candidate Simon Silva.

Verdugo claimed the title of “Deputy City Attorney” in his campaign, insinuating a high-ranking position within the Chula Vista City Attorney’s office. However, this turned out to be a clever play on words, as Verdugo works for private law firm Burke, Williams & Sorensen (BWS). The firm, known for its representation of various cities, has recently been embroiled in legal controversies in San Diego, casting a shadow over Verdugo’s association.

Bart Miesfeld, a former Chula Vista City Attorney who is also a candidate, swiftly took action against this misleading tactic, filing a lawsuit. Miesfeld, having honorably served Chula Vista from 2008 to 2010, demonstrated a commitment to preserving the integrity of the election. The judge concurred with Miesfeld’s concerns, directing officials to replace Verdugo’s title with “City’s Attorney”.

BWS’s recent involvement in legal controversies, such as the 101 Ash Street scandal and a $3.9 million loss in a wrongful termination case, further underscores the significance of Miesfeld’s intervention.

It’s worth noting that the Chula Vista City Attorney position became an elected office in 2010, following a 2008 amendment to the City’s Charter. Miesfeld, having served as the appointed City Attorney prior to this change, continued to serve as the Assistant City Attorney post-2010, showcasing his dedication to the community.

Another contender, Dan Smith Diaz, narrowly lost last November’s election to Silva. Diaz, a private attorney, will face off against Verdugo in the upcoming special election.

With at least $1.5 million set aside for this special election’s expenses, the stakes are high. Chula Vista residents eagerly await the results, with many hoping for a clear and honorable leadership direction.

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