San Diego Signal

Former Supervisor Nathan Fletcher Investigations Claims He Used Campaign Funds to Finance Legal Defense

The former San Diego County Supervisor Chair allegedly spent $500,000.00 of his campaign funds to pay for legal defense in a lawsuit filed against him.

Former San Diego Board of Supervisors chair Nathan Fletcher is under investigation by the California Fair Political Practices Commission for allegedly using campaign funds to pay for his legal defense in a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him last year in March 2023.

Fletcher, a Democrat, was elected to the Board of Supervisors in 2018, having been a Republican previously when serving in the California State Assembly starting in 2008. After a failed run for the mayoral office of San Diego in 2012 and again in a special election in 2014, he ran a successful campaign for a seat on the Board of Supervisors. 

In February of 2023 last year, Fletcher had announced his campaign to run for a seat in the California State Senate, only to withdraw his run the next month to check himself in for treatment of PTSD and alcoholism.

A few days later, news broke that an employee with the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System, named Grecia Figueroa, filed a lawsuit against Fletcher claiming that he sexually harassed and assaulted her. The claim also alleged that she was fired from her job after she resisted his advances. Fletcher denied her claims, but admitted to an inappropriate relationship with Figueroa.

Fletcher resigned from the board of supervisors shortly after the news broke of the lawsuit. Other reports of misconduct emerged later. He has been embattled in the lawsuit since. 

Earlier this year, various stories broke of Fletcher using campaign funds to pay for his legal defense. Now, the FPPC is investigating these claims, which if true can lead to serious penalties for Fletcher. 

Per reports, “the California Fair Political Practices Commission has confirmed that it is investigating Fletcher, his Senate campaign and his treasurer for possible violations related to campaign spending.” 

Fletcher is alleged to have used campaign funds to pay for his defense against the lawsuit filed by Figueroa, totaling up to $523,000.00. His attorney has disputed the grounds for the investigation arguing that state campaign finance laws permit Fletcher to use these funds for this use.

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