San Diego Signal

San Diego Unified School District Board Candidate Becca Williams Gains Endorsements Ahead of Election

Williams’ is finding some notable endorsements and wants transparency

Becca Williams is running to fill the District C seat, on the board of the San Diego Unified School District. As the lone Republican in her area’s race, Williams is going against the union-backed Democrat Cody Petterson vying for the seat. 

Williams’ position on educational issues concerning to parents in the district and push for a quality education, have earned her a diverse group of supporters. Her endorsements include: The San Diego-Tribune Editorial Board, San Diego Police Officers Association, San Diego Asian Americans for Equity, Latino American Political Association of San Diego, California Women’s Leadership Association, and The Lincoln Club of San Diego County.  Mayors Bill Wells of El Cajon and Richard Bailey of Coronado have endorsed her candidacy as well.

When it comes to the most pressing issues facing the San Diego Unified School District, transparency ranks high in the list of concerns for Williams. “It’s time to open up the books,” she stated. “ I believe we need transparency, true accountability and a return to open thinking.” 

“Parents’ desires need to be respected,” she said. ”I will fight tirelessly on behalf of children while remaining open and accountable to parents, teachers, and taxpayers.”

Williams has also stated she believes there needs to be more diversity of thought. The current school board can frequently vote 5-0 on important matters affecting students. Williams asserts she will bring a different perspective and more open thinking. She says the SDUSD “has failed to offer what every family deserves: a quality, agenda free, in-person education for their children.”

 “It’s time for someone to stand up for parents and kids.”

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