San Diego Signal
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Kevin Faulconer Vows to Bring Down Crime If Elected Supervisor

Former mayor’s commitment to public safety echoes his successful tenure.

SAN DIEGO, CA – San Diego is confronting a complex crime scenario, with a recent report showing a troubling increase in violent offenses. 

Kevin Faulconer, former mayor of San Diego and a candidate for San Diego Supervisor District 3, recently reiterated his dedication to public safety. “When I was mayor, San Diego had one of the lowest crime rates in the US, making it one of the safest cities. As County Supervisor, I will continue to prioritize public safety in San Diego County,” Faulconer tweeted, reflecting his commitment to replicating his successful crime reduction strategies.

The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) report, released on May 9, presents a paradoxical picture: a 3% decrease in overall crime from 2021 to 2022, juxtaposed against a 10-year high in violent crimes, especially robberies. This surge in violent offenses, particularly in commercial and public areas, has raised serious concerns about the county’s public safety.

Despite the rise in violent crimes, the report highlights some positive trends. Property crimes, including burglary, larceny, and vehicle theft, have continued to fall, marking the second-lowest rate in 43 years. However, the economic impact of these crimes has intensified, with stolen property in 2022 valued at around $304 million, a stark increase from the previous year.

The county has also seen a 6% increase in hate crimes, predominantly motivated by race, ethnicity, or national origin biases. This troubling trend underscores the need for inclusive and robust public safety measures.

San Diego County’s overall crime rates, both in terms of violent and property crimes, remain below the national averages provided by the FBI. This fact, while reassuring, does not undermine the need for continued vigilance and strategic action to combat the rise in specific crime categories.

The data compiled by SANDAG from various police agencies is instrumental in evaluating public safety trends and the efficacy of crime prevention and law enforcement strategies. In this context, Faulconer’s experience as mayor, marked by a significant reduction in crime rates, could position him as a promising candidate to voters to address the current challenges in public safety.

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